Saturday, December 31, 2016

Oh Avocado Toast, how I love thee...

Good day my friendly friends! 
I hope you all are getting ready for the new year and if preparing more plant based foods is in your future ( ahem, New years resolution) , I'm so glad you stopped by. 
If you know me, you know I LOVE avocado toast. I have a Fat intolerance so It's difficult for me to process Fatty foods, including AVOCADO! Ugh the tragedy. News Flash! I'm a total Rebel without a cause and still eat avocado all of the time. Anyways I love mashing avocado with a little bit of slat and lemon, but this ... this toast pictured is unexplainably yummy.
So, its Toast (sprouted and organic) with :
mashed bean spread 
sliced pieces of avocado  
drizzled on top is drum roll please.... 


Please try this, it's so good.

Anyways, I made the beans in a crockpot. I always make my beans. I try to stay away from canned anything, especially when I can make a giant pot at home. I always wash the beans, and leave them in water for a few hours then throw in a crockpot . Once they're done, I take some out and mash it with a fork or masher thingy and use that as the spread. Then I slice come avocado , and drizzle my cheese for it. 

I found the best vegan "Cheese" sauce on Buzzfeed. works like a charm every time and hits the spot. Oh man, I'm craving this just thinking about it. 

Anyways, if you try it out please let me know what you think. I think I'll remake this for myself this week! Yummy,

Ashley Ninette 

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