Friday, December 30, 2016

Vegan Protein and a Vegan "Slim Fast"

Hey Friends! 
Do you guys want to know a very silly/fun fact about me? When I was young (way before I started eating vegan food) I freaken LOVED the taste of a very popular Slim drink. I weighed 100 LBS and did not need to lose weight. I drank these like water because I genuinely LOVED the flavor. Fast Forward 10 years and ORGAIN sends me these bad boys. I had never tried them before that day and wasn't sure if the taste would be any good. I went one morning to my kitchen, opened up the SLIM container, added two scoops to a shaker and some unsweetened Almond milk... did a bit of shaking, stuck a straw in , took a big gulp and OMG I think the heavens opened. It was DELICIOUS. Holy heck you guys. I must have drank 3 or 4 that day (don't judge me). Anywhooo, the New year is right around the corner and I know so many of you are looking to get get fit or lose weight and I HIGHLY recommend this brand. The slim drink is definitely my favorite. It is VEGAN-GLUTEN FREE-ORGANIC-NON GMO- LACTOSE FREE- LOW IN CARBS- FIBER- PROBIOTICS- AND THE BEST PART, IT HAS PLANT BASED PROTEIN
If you have ever tried this brand or plan on trying it, let me know in the comments below. Would love to get your feedback! 

Click her to check out more of ORGAIN'S products. 

Ashley Ninette  

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