Tuesday, January 2, 2018

It's kale ! It's spinach! No... It's Watercress!!!!!

Hello Beauties.... 
If you haven't heard of Watercress then you're missing out on  powerhouse greens... The Goddess of Greens... The VIP of Greens!

Most of us have heard of Kale, Spinach , and Cabbage. However, WTF is watercress? Well, I'm here to let you in on the best kept secret ever.
Kale, Spinach and Cabbage are some of the most nutrient dense greens, but did you know Watercress was rated number one in nutrient density out of all the greens? Yep! check out 'BATTLE OF THE GREENS' for more info on the study.

Watercress received a score of 100! 

Watercress contains 106 percent of your daily recommended intake for vitamin K, 22 percent for vitamin A and 24 percent for vitamin C. It also contains calcium, iron and magnesium." - The Huffington Post 

That's right, these little greens are filled with so much goodness for your body it should be against the law to NOT eat this specific green.

I absolutely love to put these in smoothies, in tacos , sandwiches or sprinkled on top of avocado toast. 
I typically try and use a lot when I eat watercress, but I definitely wish I ate it more consistently. Such a powerhouse green for our health. Definitely 2018 goal is to be the healthiest I can be.  

I have found these so far at Whole foods + Sprouts. Both place have them organic. Can I get an Amen and a Hallelujah ? AMEN! HALLELUJAH! 

Make 2018 your healthiest year yet by adding these bad boys into your smoothies, tacos, sandwiches, pasta, avo toast or wherever else! YUM YUM YUM! 

Here is an example of how I add it to my toast:

Seriously, it's the bomb dot com . 

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