Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Scripture Stories and Healthy Food. Wait what? Yup!

Alright guys, 
so one of my most favorite stories from the scriptures is in Daniel 1
If you haven't read it, it's a must.
You know why? Well, I'll tell you why! Because it talks about the importance of a healthy diet and what vegetables, fruits and water can do to the body.

Most of you know, but if you don't, I love my Faith and my Food. 
So when you can combine the two, then holy mind blown. 

I love how the scriptures explain the importance of a healthy mind, body and spirit. And y'all, thats what Im trying to accomplish.

It isn't always easy, but I know it is so worth it. 

Heres the main point in the story, in case you don't read it. 
But seriously, go read it. It's that good... 

"Daniel and the other three boys ate only healthy vegetables and drank only water for ten days. At the end of ten days the official noticed that these four boys were healthier than all of the rest of the young men at the palace. From then on he allowed them to eat the food that God allowed. They did not have to eat the king’s food.

At the end of the study time all of the young men were brought before the king so he could test them with questions. The king decided that Daniel and his friends were the best of all the young men in the palace. They were wise and intelligent. They were ten times better than all the magicians and wise men in the entire kingdom."
Good, right? I know. 
For the love of baby puppies, let's all eat more fruits and veggies the next 10 days plus forever!
Deal? Deal! 
 If this scripture/story doesn't tell you how fantastic fruits, veggies and water is for you then I don't know what will!!! I've been slacking on eating healthy , still ate vegan but not necessarily "healthy" and I can feel and see such a difference! It's not worth it. Back on my fruits, veggies and water grind today!!!

-The Wellness Enthusiast 


  1. Honestly you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I would love to be able to take you on a perfect date. We live In different states but I would still love to take you home to my mom and say look what Ihe found. Yes I'm younger than you but I can show you that you would still love who I am. If you text me I promise you won't regret it ☺️ 8014738065

  2. Haha geez not even a smiley face?
