Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hello Herbs

Hey friends. Welcome back to my blog. Life has been so crazy the last couple of months. I slipped and sprained my ankle and wrist, I had to move, the holidays, oh man it's just been a lot. Im sure most of you know exactly what I mean. Anyways, I wanted to write a little bit about herbs.

So what are herbs? Herbs are plants used for medicine, cooking, flavoring etc. 

I absolutely love using herbs for medicinal use. They can help clean out your liver or kidneys and in turn help heal ailments like acne, kidney stones, fatty liver, allergies etc. Great for pets too! just be carful and do a ton of research before giving your pets anything. Never hurts to ask your vet also. 

I have been using this company Sleeping Monks  for about a year or more now and I absolutely love this company. I love them because it's made SO SIMPLE and it really HELPS. Few drops under your tongue and life is all well again. Some of these bottles pictured are already empty, but you can clearly see how much I love them. 

I have 3 different types pictured and I'll give you some information on each kind. If you want to continue reading , awesome or you can just continue on to their website (linked on top) and get more information from them.

So for the Orange one: It's called immortal and it's good for things like stamina, Beautiful Skin, feeling calmness and grounded. Helps increase immunity. Also helps with improved mood. Most of a balanced feelings. 

The next one is the Red one: This one can help with blood flow, oxygen, improved memory, helps with improving your mood, helps with increasing your immunity and enhanced mental focus. 

Last, but not least, the Pink one ( Hello Ladies!): Helps improve FERTILITY, helps regulate your menstrual cycle ( I am always almost exactly on time), Helps with PMS symptoms, protects immunity, helps increase Progesterone. 

Remember, every body is different and every BODY needs something different. Not everything is going to work exactly the same for everyone. Along with herbs your diet should be clean and you should be drinking a ton of water (something I'm horrible about). 

Sleeping Monks makes taking herbs so simple and quick. If you try them out or any other company that sells herbs please let me know what you think. 
I highly recommend this company. I have not been paid to give my opinion. 

Ash Ninette 

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